Sunday, August 1, 2010

Local Is Better

We had an awesome dinner tonight. We stocked up at the farmer's market yesterday, so we were set.

We made steak fajitas with Jordandal Farm's grass-fed steak, Driftless Organics' onions, as well as sweet corn, peppers and chard from the market. Washed it down with a glass of Organic Valley milk and all was good.

I love local food and can't wait until our tomatoes, peppers, zucchini and cucumbers are ready.

If you are interested in eating more local food, join me in the Eat Local Challenge at Willy St. Co-op.


  1. Local is wonderful and we're so lucky to live in an area where food is bountiful. I bought some tomatoes from the farmer's market last Saturday. Tomatoes = Summer :)

  2. We are incredibly lucky to live in an area that is a local foodie's dream! Stay cool!
